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Certified Contractor Program

Knowledgeable, experienced and well-trained contractors ensure a better return on investment for the end customer’s network investment. Contractor certification is an important component of successful installations that is often overlooked.  Data Infrastructure (Ortronics brand), part of the Data, Power & Control Division (DPC), has developed comprehensive certification programs that provide project design and installation services assurance.

Certification is at the company level, not individual, although individuals must complete training as part of the company’s commitment to being a certified contractor. Only certified contractor companies may offer an extended warranty on behalf of Data Infrastructure (Ortronics brand), of the Data, Power & Control Division.

An extensive network of qualified Legrand Certified Contractors is available globally. Three distinct tier levels have been created to provide support for each project’s unique requirements.  

The CIP-Elite top tier is a true partnership program that realizes the mutually beneficial advantages of industry leaders working together to provide the highest value to the end customer. With a defined business plan and established financial goals, the relationship between the CIP-Elite and Legrand is a solid go-to-market strategy for success.  With knowledge about the latest options for copper and fiber connectivity, racks, cabinets, physical supports, and power for building networks and data center infrastructure, the CIP-Elite contractor is also able to project manage national rollouts for customers.  CIP-Elite contractors may extend an nCompass Limited Lifetime Warranty on behalf of the DPC Division.

A CIP contractor understands the business advantages of a solid working relationship. The CIP contractor is rewarded with many additional benefits, including frequent communications on the latest building networks and data center infrastructure options for copper and fiber connectivity, racks, cabinets, physical supports, power, etc., in addition to technology and industry updates. Participation is contingent upon meeting the outlined requirements.   CIP contractors may extend an nCompass Limited Lifetime Warranty on behalf of the DPC Division.

The CI level is often an entry-level tier for the contractor who wishes to provide customers with installations completed by industry recognized, trained technicians. The CI contractor can provide the assurance of a 25-year certified warranty for connectivity, cable (if approved Superior Essex) and installation. Sponsorship by our local sales representative is required, along with meeting the minimum program requirements. The CI level contractor will be kept up-to-date on the latest product and program updates, from the Data, Power & Control Division of Legrand, through online resources and communications.

Contractor company certification must be approved by the Data Infrastructure, DPC Division local sales agency, sales management and training department management.  To inquire about becoming a certified contractor company, or if you are looking for a certified contractor for a project, contact your local sales agency.   Use the Where To Buy link in the upper right corner of the page (https://www.legrand.us/where-to-buy/shop-local).  Select Sales Rep for “Where to Buy”, Ortronics or Quiktron for the “Brand Name” and select the best category that identifies “Who you are”.

Basic Warranty 

The basic warranty covers DPC division product sold through authorized channels.

  • Guarantees product repair or replacement, excluding labor costs, from the time of purchase for the term listed below.
    • Connectivity, physical support & cable management – 5 yrs.
    • Transceivers – 10 yrs.
    • Other Active Devices – 1 yr.
  • This warranty does not require product to be installed by a certified contractor company or to be registered.

25-Year Certified Warranty & Installation

This warranty can be extended when installed by a DAT certified contractor company, at any tier.

  • Guarantees product repair or replacement including labor costs.
  • A DAT certified contractor company, in good standing, must install the connectivity.  Cable is included if it is Superior Essex cable (approved cable only) installed by the certified contractor company.  (There are no other approved cable manufacturers.)
  • All requirements of the Legrand certification and warranty program must be met, which includes having the certified contractor company register the project for warranty.

nCompass Limited Lifetime Warranty

Legrand also offers the best warranty in the industry, the nCompass Limited Lifetime warranty with Superior Essex®. To qualify for an nCompass warranty, the structured cabling solution must be comprised of Ortronics connectivity and the corresponding Superior Essex cable. Premium solutions provide headroom above the standards. The complete range of nCompass structured cabling systems are defined on data sheets created for each solution. These data sheets are available at nCompass-systems.com.

When you rely on the performance of your network, it is important that you have a system you can depend on. nCompass systems are backed by extended warranty programs with performance guarantees that are unmatched in the industry, giving you the assurance and peace of mind that your network will conform to specifications and operate with maximum uptime.

The nCompass Premium Limited Lifetime Warranty guarantees product repair or replacement from the time of purchase including labor costs. Performance is guaranteed above the standards and is stated on the specific solutions data sheet. This warranty is issued when a DAT (Ortronics) Certified Contractor Company (CIP-Elite or CIP) installs approved Superior Essex cable and Ortronics connectivity, including Clarity® patch cords by Legrand. This set of solutions include a fiber solution that only has 0.75dB total connection loss in a channel consisting of 100 meters of MM or SM fiber, along with a cassette and patch cord at each end. This solution is unmatched in the industry today.

Go to www.ncompass-systems.com for more information about nCompass solutions and warranties.